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Exploring Past Lives & Ancestral Heritage

Intutitive Tarot Readings

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Past Life Tarot

This is a specially designed reading (created by the brilliant Benebellwen)  that seeks to unlock the genetic  memory, the deep reservoir of untapped knowledge that lies in your cells to retrieve past life memories.  


Past life tarot reading does not require you to believe in reincarnation. Rather, it can be approached as a reading to consider what has been passed down to you epigenetically.  Key themes emerge, familar patterns and traits with surprising roots.  Your greatest recurring challenges, how they are showing up in the present and how to work with all of itowards peace, prosperity and a deeper sense of purpose.   


A Past Life Tarot reading with me typically takes 1.5hrs.  I use a highly structured approach as an intentional anchor to explore the vast amont of material available within.  Thus the layout and questions follow a pre-set format. 


As a follow up, you will receive a beautiful illustration of the reading to keep and refer back to as more insights emerge.  This reading is powerful!  It is a gift to yourself (and your loved ones) that continues to keep giving for weeks, months and perhaps further lifetimes to come.  





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Ancestral Tarot

Meet  your ancestors in this carefully crafted tarot reading (created by Benebell Wen).  Find out what they were like, what kind of lives they led.  Explore what you have inherited from them.  Reveal how they are supporting you and even dialogue with them for what they have to share with you at this time.  


This is a very special tarot reading for anyone looking to connect with their family heritage, the lives and stories they are interconnected and for a deeper sense of place and belonging.  


Similar to the Past Life Tarot, this is a highly structured reading designed to tap into the genetic memory bank to explore the treasures held there.  >xpect an Ancestral Tarot to take 1.5hrs and to follow a pre-set format.  


As a follow up, you will receive a beautiful illustration of the reading to keep.  You can share it with family or return to it as a solitary contemplation as it continues to bring insight and illumination over time.  





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