About Me
Hello, I'm so glad you're here. I'm Anita and whether it be a one-off reading or an ongoing magical pathway of transformation or just to explore some of my Musings on a vareity of topics, welcome to my little tarot and astrology corner of the world!​​​​​
I was born on the Day of the Bridge living between worlds; the light and the dark, Sun and Moon, the liminal dreamspace and the Underworld. I am a scholar of philosophy, depth psychology and Gnosticism. I walk the path across the Abyss, the vast desert sandscapes where the waters of life are all.
My tarot and astrology practices are anchored in the tradition of those who do not consider themselves fortune tellers but who hold space for the process of self discovery. I will act as a guide to help facilitate that process for you but it is you that will ultimately derive any meaning for yourself - an essential element of all self empowerment practices!
Whilst I am not a registered health professional or therapist, ​​​​I have completed over 300 hours of training in psychotherapy and intuitive counselling to support my practice. This honours the simple fact that therapeutic skills complement modern tarot and astrology and help to provide a supportive, safe space to explore from.
I tend to draw mainly on Evolutionary astrology for birth chart readings but have also studied (and continue to) Horary and Vedic astrology so these can be blended in. You don't have to believe in the soul or in reincarnation to enjoy these (although I do) and I've had clients who absolutely don't but find themselves fascinated by what may have been passed through the ancestral generations and epigenetically in families.
Formal training and qualifications
Certified Transformative Tarot Counseling TM professional (trained by Katrina Wynne)
Horary Astrology (taught by Elisabeth Brooke)
Wayfarer of the Beyond
Member of Cosmic Intelligence Agency Academy
Essentials of Vedic Astrology (taught by Sam Geppi)
Mastering Astrology Charts (taught by Molly McCord)
Evolution Soul Psychology (taught by Mark Jones)
BA Hons Philosophy (Class I)
Graduate Diploma Psychology (Distinction)
Intuitive Counselling, Level 1
150+hours training Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy
Moon Goddess Mystery School Initiation Level
Certificate in Facilitating Contact Therapeutic Dance
What is antimony?
Engaging with the symbolism of myths, archetypes and eternal truths, tarot activates a process of alchemy; a magical process of creation and transformation.
In the golden age of alchemy during the Middle Ages, 'Antimony' was a metallic substance that was used to purify gold. It became known as Lupus metallorum, the ‘Wolf of Metals’ because, like a wolf, it ‘devoured’ the base metal contaminates so that only the gold was left.
Grey wolf has become a beloved animal totem on my own journey; powerful yet protective, wildly independent yet loyal and nurturing, at once fierce and incredibly gentle.